Why Our Students Love Us
“Not just an educational institute, but an institute that focuses on action. Not just a theoretical institute, but one that focuses on practical application of the theory. An institute that instills inspiration and pushes individuals to impact society through building confident Muslims.”

“I felt so motivated especially when I learnt that we shouldn't just learn about Islam but also how this world functions. Allāh ﷻ has shared all knowledge with us through the Qurān, and we need to have at least basic knowledge of principles and tools to evaluate evidences.”
“Assalamu'Alaykum, my name is Nirusha. I'm a YD student. When I first joined as a revert, my intentions were to increase my knowledge in Islam. But I was also able to learn such valuable lessons that has developed my character and my skills and has taught me to implement what I learn and read in class into my life.”

“After joining i3, I realized it wasn't just about the theoretical knowledge. It was about putting the ideas into motion. Now I'm a Project Manager at i3. I've been part of many initiatives such as Da'wah and Community Outreach. ALL students are encouraged to participate or lead such projects!”

“The YD program changed my life. Alhamdulillah. I am happy that I took this opportunity to gain knowledge of the Deen. This program has influenced me to strive towards leadership within the Muslim community and to utilize my knowledge from Islamic studies towards every aspect of my life.”

“Alhamdulillah, [our YD class] was not long enough 😅 I could have listened for hours! It was so interesting and the questions everyone brought to the table were eye opening. I loved the approach, it felt more relatable and digestible. Putting it in European history gave a new perspective. ”